Support Auburn Development Council Disaster Relief Fund

Disaster Relief

BetterWay Auto Fire

Auburn Development Council’s Auburn Disaster Relief Fund was established for Auburn businesses in a time of need due to a disaster. On Saturday, February 20, 2021, there was a fire that destroyed BetterWay Automotive and damaged the American Dream building. The building is home to five businesses: American Dream Real Estate Company, Pink 4 U – Mary Kay, Thrivent Financial, Blue Valley Behavioral Health-Mental Health Services, and Mondocat. Some of these businesses sustained more damage than others.

As friends and neighbors, we can come together, support these businesses and assist them in their recovery.

Would you please consider making a donation to help these local businesses? Please visit our Disaster Relief Fund page here and donate now.

The ADC continues working with each business to assess their needs and will help in any way we can.

If you would like to designate your donation to a specific business you may do so. There is not a place on the online donation page to submit your request but if you email with the name of the donor and the designation, we will make sure they get it. Also, you may mail a check with the business designation in the memo line. Thank you for supporting Auburn’s businesses during this difficult time.

Auburn businesses have been hit hard in the last two years. In 2019, historic flooding severely impacted Nemaha County and Auburn businesses. Now, Covid-19 has taken its toll on our business community before many were able to recover from flooding.

In the past five years, Auburn is fortunate to have seen 11 new businesses open by local entrepreneurs. We realize how difficult it is to be a small business owner let alone be a new business start-up. We also realize how important each small business is for the vitality of our city. Auburn Development Council has recently helped restaurants, hair salons, and limited retail with a gift card matching program, with donations totaling $18,000.

That’s why Auburn Development Council, Inc. is pleased to announce the creation of the Auburn Disaster Relief Fund and a rebound grant program to help meet the economic needs of businesses in Auburn due to disruption from COVID-19 restrictions.

There will be a long-term economic impact on our local businesses that need to be addressed for them to survive. ADC will match dollar for dollar up to the first $2,000 for any new funds contributed to the Auburn Disaster Relief Fund, bringing ADC’s commitment to Auburn businesses to $20,000 during this economic crisis. Now ADC is asking for your generosity so more businesses can be assisted.

The ADC is announcing the formation of the rebound grant which will provide locally owned businesses with small grants for the purpose of building inventory, service capacity, an building an online presence or general assistance as business restrictions surrounding the pandemic are relaxed or eliminated. We want to ensure that businesses can rebound sales as the community business environment emerges from the worst impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund will address both the immediate and longer-term needs related to this crisis with the focus being on economic needs. Priority will be given to local businesses that have been most significantly impacted by this crisis; this fund will continue to be active to address the future needs of our local businesses whether in disasters or economic uncertainties. Auburn’s local businesses are always there to support and donate to our local causes and now it is our time to help them.


The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund has been created by Auburn Development Council. The Fund will support community businesses responding to COVID-19 in Auburn and will continue to be active to address the future needs of our local business whether in disasters or economic uncertainties.

Give online at or by clicking the Donate Now button above. Or, send a check, payable to the Auburn Disaster Relief Fund and mail to:

Auburn Development Council, 1101
J Street, Auburn, NE 68305.

The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund will serve Auburn businesses.

To ensure that we can coordinate and share resources as quickly as possible, donors may not restrict their grants to a specific business. If you would like to support a specific business, we encourage you to give to them directly.

With the exception of fees charged by Stripe or credit card companies, 100% of your gift will be used to help respond to COVID-19 in our region. Auburn Development Council is waiving administrative fees for The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund as our gift to the community during the crisis. ADC has incurred all costs related to setting up and managing this fund.

No. The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund will quickly get charitable resources to the businesses who are most significantly impacted by this crisis. However, we know this is a difficult time for all our businesses. Please continue to directly support those businesses by purchasing gift cards, ordering take-out food, or utilizing
curbside pick-up. Now is the time to double down for our community as we begin to respond to the immediate and long-term ramifications of COVID-19.

Due to the mission of Auburn Development Council the Auburn Disaster Relief Fund grants are limited to Auburn for-profit businesses such as restaurants, bars, retail and service- based businesses.

Funds will be used to address both the immediate and longer-term needs related to this crisis. We will focus on Auburn’s businesses to reboot the local economy in the area we serve. This phase includes proactively identifying potential grant recipients.

To move resources quickly, the Fund application process is fairly simple. Businesses that would like to ensure they are considered can fill out a brief form, found on the following website:

We understand many individuals and families are significantly impacted by COVID-19. The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund is not able to provide direct grants to individuals or organizations.

Auburn Development Council Board of Directors will review and award The Auburn Disaster Relief Fund.

A listing of grantees will be published on the website of Auburn Development, along with press releases to local media, and Auburn Development Council’s social media.

In the unlikely case that all funds contributed are not able to be distributed to COVID-19 response efforts, any remaining balance will be left in the Auburn Disaster Relief Fund for the next unforeseen disaster or economic uncertainty to help a local business.

You may find Auburn Disaster Relief Fund information on the Auburn Development Council website at or on Facebook at Auburn Development Council. We have compiled a supporter letter, our FAQ’s document, social media assets, and logos for you to use, which you can download and distribute here.