Our application to participate in the SET program was granted in July of 2015 and the Executive Committee began to recruit members for this endeavor that would shape the region for years to come. On August 29, a dynamic group of people came together to participate in a road tour that made stops in each of the five counties within the region. The “road crew” gained valuable insights from the tour that would lay the groundwork for future planning sessions. Over the next several months an average of 40 leaders participated in five sessions to study regional demographics and economic data, share ideas and expertise, and develop a plan that leaders will utilize to grow this rural area.
The SET sessions gave the region the opportunity to create a plan that engaged a wide variety of people with one goal—to create a thriving region by working together to implement the ideas contained within the plan.
Regional Economic Goals
Broad economic goals were developed from regional economic data analyses, asset identification and citizenry input. Each goal identifies key strategies, responsible parties charged with moving the goal forward as well as the timeline and status of each action item spanning a five-year period.
Create a diverse industrial, manufacturing hub in the 5- county region, utilizing a diversified workforce, to regionally sustain and grow existing and new businesses.
Cultural Tourism
Through collaborations, create rich destination experiences that attract visitors and contribute to the quality of life for local citizens.
Center Workforce Education
Through education and training, create a workforce pipeline to enhanced employee recruitment, retention and engagement.
Develop an entrepreneurial culture for business creation and retention that sustains and grows our existing industries and businesses.
If you would like to be involved with SET or would like to see the full plan please reach out to Kim Beger.