Honey Bee Story
ADC created Nemaha County Leadership (NCL ) in 2013 to develop and cultivate leaders who productively work together for the benefit of the county. Through skills development, broadening knowledge of our community, networking and community projects, NCL connects leaders with opportunities to both lead and serve.
The NCL #6 class project was Honeybees in the Heartland (HITH), a county wide public art project. ADC was the first Hive Sponsor and supporter of this project because they understand the importance of the arts to the community and economic development.
Loved by the community, the 26 honeybee sculptures attract many visitors to Auburn and Nemaha County where they explore, shop locally, and enjoy the charms of small-town community life.
Auburn Development Council will continue its community support, leading the way in economic growth, cultivating leaders and their civic involvement, while enriching and enhancing life for all of Auburn.
Business Plan Workshop
The ADC and Center for Rural Affairs (REAP) partnered together to provide an opportunity to help small businesses grow. By revisiting their business plan or creating one, this workshop helps get small business owners and entrepreneurs started off on the right foot. Look for this event annually in the winter.
Financial Literacy Workshop
The ADC and Center for Rural Affairs (REAP) partnered together to provide this workshop. This training series focuses on increasing Nebraska entrepreneurs’ financial literacy and knowledge. Providing participants with practical knowledge, the curriculum helps builds skills, opportunities, and resources so they can manage finances with confidence. Look for this event annually in the spring.
Reality Check
This simulation is designed to be an engaging opportunity for students to understand what it’s like to have a job and live within a budget. Held at Auburn High School, this annual event is made possible with the partnerships of Auburn Development Council, Auburn Public Schools, local businesses and volunteers.

Mailbox Program
This year ADC delivered 48 mailboxes to the Auburn High School graduates. ADC appreciates the local businesses who provide goodies to put into the mailboxes for the students. The students now look forward to getting their mailbox and seeing what is in them. When you go to graduation parties you will see the mailboxes set out and used as their card box. We encourage you to support the graduates and the mailbox program. In April we start collecting items, so feel free to add your touch.
An Externship takes local educators on tours and gives them one on one time with businesses in the area to learn about what they do, jobs that are available and what education and/or skills are needed for these jobs. An externship provides educators and employers a way to connect and work together in order to provide students with opportunities.

Code Camp
This annual summer event is geared towards exposing youth to coding for websites and app development.
Nebraska Community Foundation, “Turn Up Your Dream Switch”
On August 16, 2019, Auburn turned up its dream switch! The world premiere of The Dream Switch, an event which toured throughout the state, started right here on Courthouse Square. The audience was treated to games, food and a live performance telling a story of growing up in Nebraska, moving away and returning. An engaged audience was eager to stick around after and discuss the future of their community and Nebraska.